Period Chats: Dr Valerie Wright

For our Christmas Period Chats Special, we are delighted to present an uplifting and heartfelt interview with the amazing Dr Valerie Wright. Valerie is a huge supporter of what we do, she’s an academic, an advocate for women’s rights, and is an all-around excellent human being. We think she’s super cool, and so will you…

Period Chats : Jenny Landreth

  Last year we were lucky enough to talk to the wonderful Jenny Landreth at Arlington Swimming Baths as part of Book Week Scotland.  And drum roll please……..we can now share the recording from that night. Jenny, who is the author of Swell – A Waterbiography and The Guardian swimming blog, took us through the story…

Clouds Got In My Way

Guest Contributor: Heather Pearson lives in Edinburgh and writes stories, commentary and poetry, mainly around women’s experiences. She runs and curates the The Grantidote website which centres on women – their lives, their faces and places, their enormous impact on the world and their stories, as seen by those who live with them or remember them. In this…

Period Chats: Jenni Mailley

Jenni Mailley is a 24 year old primary school teacher working and living in Glasgow. She tells us what it is like to be a teacher in Scotland, how she realised she wished to be an educator and the importance of being a ‘hoarder’.   What is it you do? I tried to compose a…

We need YOU!

We need your help! As many of our readers know, we have become very, very busy recently and cannot always update the blog as frequently as we would like. We would, therefore, like to open our digital doors so to speak and invite contributions. So if you have a piece of research, an opinion, or…

Rachael chats with PGRNS

Rachael Purse is a PhD Candidate at The Glasgow School of Art on the ‘Bringing Back the Mack’ Scholarship which focuses on The Glasgow School of Art Mackintosh Library after the fire in 2014. As part of the process, she is recording and providing critical reflection on the restoration process, as well as the changing […]…

Period Chats: Jenny Knotts

Jenny is a playwright and PhD student from Glasgow. She is currently undertaking an AHRC funded Practice-as-Research PhD in the department of Theatre Studies at the University of Glasgow titled Play/writing histories: Navigating the Personal, Public & Institutional stories of Theatre Space. An Architextual study of the Citizens Theatre. Previously she gained an MSc with…